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Men & Women's Health

Conditions unique to the male and female anatomy.

Men & Women's Health

Uterine fibroid embolization – Uterine fibroids are common benign growths of the uterus. In some individuals, they can cause symptoms including pain and abnormal bleeding. Multiple treatment options for symptomatic uterine fibroids exist ranging from surgery to embolization. Uterine fibroid embolization is a procedure in which the blood supply to fibroids is blocked causing them to shrink, reducing or alleviating symptoms. The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting using moderate sedation rather than general anesthesia. Recovery is quicker than traditional surgery and there is no incision. Uterine fibroid embolization has a success rate of 85% which is the same as surgery.

Varicocele embolization – A varicocele is enlarged veins draining the testicles. They are caused when blood pools within the veins causing them to enlarge. The enlarged veins can become symptomatic, causing pain, a “bag of worms” mass felt on or near the scrotum and fertility issues. Treatment options include surgery and embolization of the varicocele. During embolization, the enlarged veins are blocked. This forces blood into normal veins and alleviates symptoms. Varicocele embolization is performed in an outpatient setting using moderate sedation. Recovery time is 1-2 days of light activity, with return to normal activity in 1-2 weeks. Success rate for varicocele embolization is approximately 90%.

Prostatic artery embolization – Benign enlargement of the prostate (BPH) is a common condition in men. An enlarged prostate can lead to various urinary symptoms including increased frequency, having to urinate during the night, sudden urge to urinate, incomplete bladder emptying and weak stream. Traditional treatment options include surgery and medications. In some individuals, surgery and medications are either ineffective, not tolerated or not desired. For these patient, prostatic artery embolization may be an option. The procedure involves blocking the arteries supplying the prostate, causing it to shrink. The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting using moderate sedation. Recovery times are 1-2 days of light activity following the procedure with gradual return to normal activities over the next week. Prostatic artery embolization has similar effectiveness to surgery with less risk of sexual and urinary side effects.

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